With summer just around the corner, festival lineups are getting dropped here there and everywhere! If you’re lucky enough to have snatched up tickets this year, it’s time to start thinking about festival prep. To help you get ready for a summer in a muddy field, we’ve put together out top tips for festival survival!
Get Your Look On Point!

Festival Fashion really is an art form. Every year a new wacky trend rear its head and it can be easy to jump on the bandwagon without thinking about the practicality. The secret of festival dressing is finding the line between style and comfort. Remember, you’re going to be on your feet for hours on end, rainis a possibility, and you also need to keep your valuables close. Investing in a pac-a-mac and bumbag are great ways to get around these issues in a on-trend way.
Invest in a Good Tent

Let’s face it, it’s hard enough as it is to stay looking good when you’re relying on a compact mirror and dry shampoo - so don’t make it hard for yourself with a leaking tent! Invest your money in a decent, waterproof tent. Trust us, you’ll be thankful!
Bring a Secondary Phone

There’s no bigger panic in life than losing your phone! This is only intensified when you’ve lost it in a field in the middle of nowhere. We say don’t take the risk babe! Keep your contract smartphone at home and invest in a cheap phone. That way if it goes missing it’s no big loss.
Make a Plan (Then Ignore It)

As the old saying goes - fail to plan, plan to fail. Prior to leaving for the festival, sit down with your friends and make a list of the acts you’re prioritising and the time their set takes place. This way to have a streamlined plan of where you need to be at what time in order to get the most out of your experience. Inevitably you won’t stick to this plan, but it’s fun to plan!
Loving our festival tips? Shop our Festival Shop below!